
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
Phoenix, Arizona

About our Parish...
Our Parish, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Phoenix, Arizona, was incorporated in 1958 by a small number of Serbian Orthodox families that wanted to preserve their precious Orthodox faith and pass it on to future generations. The church hall was built in 1961 where Divine Liturgy was held as well as fund raising functions that helped facilitate the building of the actual Church in 1974. The Church hall was expanded in 1983, with an addition that was used for Church School classes.
With the growth of our parish came the need for more space. It was decided that a building just for religious educational purposes should be built. Construction of this building began in 1997, and was completed and consecrated in 2000. That building is our beautiful St. Sava Cultural Center that holds our Church School Classrooms, Church offices, library and bookstore.
Over the years, our St. Sava Phoenix Parish has expanded from a few pioneering families to a few hundred parishioners on a weekly basis and over a few thousand Serbs and Orthodox faithful of other nationalities during the holidays of Easter & Christmas.
Very Reverend Father Dragomir Tuba serves as our parish priest. You can contact Fr. Dragomir at the Church Office at 602-275-7360 or at 480-737-6807. Divine Liturgy begins at 10:00AM on Sundays and on feast days.